Friday, October 19, 2007

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!

OK maybe it's not worth THAT much panic but it sure got windy here yesterday. Not as bad as last December when we were out of power for a week with daily temps in the 30s :p Ick. But we have power and things seem to be holding out... here anyway (the county to the north isn't quite so lucky, but they are working on it swiftly i hear). But I digress!

Hey Robin!!

Have you even seen maple leaves as large as your head?? Here let me show you:

Little Guy demonstrates bigness-of-local-leaf

Seriously these things are huge. And that's not the biggest one I could find! You would think they fall off of a proportionately-large tree right? Nope. One of them was not much larger-around than my thumb. Must be something in the water...

In other news: I have been so busy trying to keep my notebook up-to-date in Ravelry that I had forgotten to update my "on the kneedles" in the sidebar! Woops! That is now up-to-date as you can see. The hat is an issue (You Don't Know Our Women). I made it with the same yarn and kneedles as the designer and the hat came out to be about three inches wide. I think maybe I was knitting a little tight. Maybe.
The very lovely Malabrigo chunky yarn is more green than in the photo. I seem to be having more issues with color lately. Anyway, it has a little of the silvery-ness you see here but not quite as much...

So we're starting that puppy over with a larger kneedle size... or three.


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